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- Grow Wild cancelled this morning
Please note that Grow Wild has been cancelled this morning due to the rainy weather. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and we hope to see you next week. Thank you.
- I was referred to Flourish
“I was referred to Flourish by my health visitor as I had suffered acute anxiety after the birth of my first child and felt it beneficial to have support in place following the birth of my second. I was nervous about attending but after a phone call with Ruhksana who leads the group she explained how Flourish works and what qualities I could bring from my experience. Flourish is a warm, safe nurturing space to share without judgement or to sit and reflect and to listen. You are always welcomed with a hot drink and a biscuit. Somewhere to share your week – difficulties and triumphs. A play space to explore with your baby, ideas for activities to do at home. Information on weaning, weigh in clinics and the philosophy of treasure baskets – aiding your baby’s development. I made friends and learnt new perspectives from women from all different backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities but with a common thread of responsibility and how that can affect your mental health under the pressures of becoming a parent. I benefitted from others sharing their stories, the podcasts they listened to and what got them through the early weeks of caring for a newborn. I would definitely recommend Flourish to any new mothers struggling with how they are feeling post birth and wondering if you are the only one. The group is referral only but the first step is to tell your midwife, health visitor or GP if you are worried. You are not alone!”
- Roleplay September to December 2019 is published today!
What better way to start this bright and sunny day than to read the latest edition of Roleplay! Packed full of great articles and timetables for activities for the rest of the term. Sessions start from tomorrow. We look forward to seeing you soon
- New Roleplay out on Tuesday 3 September
The summer holidays are nearly over but the good news is that our new edition of Roleplay is out on Tuesday! This term there are over 100 sessions a week for you and your children to attend across the borough, including the ever popular Baby Massage, Sleep Support and our new Play All Day sessions created so you can come and play around your child’s nap times! We look forward to welcoming you all
- Welcome The Valley Centre
We are so excited to be welcoming families at the Valley Centre today; our new childcare provision in Chingford. A much needed renovation including new flooring, toilets, kitchen, garden, reception and secure entrance, along with a lick of paint, has created a light and spacious learning environment. Places are available for children from 2-5 years, and tours have started today. We would like to thank Regency Property Maintenance, The London Borough of Waltham Forest and our team of dedicated early years practitioners. What a fantastic job! Please contact or call 020 8527 1737 for more information or to book a tour.
- Tours available at our new setting in Chingford
Our new setting in Chingford, The Valley will be ready to accept tours in September! Don’t miss out!
- Summer holiday timetable starts today!
Summer starts here! Our timetable launched today and is jam packed with exciting activities for you and your family from music making to park visits, we have it covered! Happy summer 🙂
- Higham Hill Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday 6th April 2019 is the Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Higham Hill, come along to Higham Hill Centre reception to get your tickets to join in with the fun activities for the children such as face painting and Easter craft. Food and drinks will also be available. We look forward to seeing you there!
- Free Childcare for Three and Four Year Olds
In addition some working parents will be eligible to receive 30 hours of free childcare per week. To find our more about the 30 hour free childcare entitlement visit GOV.UK When can my child start to receive the Free Early Education Entitlement? All three and four year olds will start receiving their 15 hours free early education entitlement the term after their third birthday, as follows: Children born between: 1st September to 31st December funding starts Spring Term (January) 1st January to 31st March funding starts Summer Term (April) 1st April to 31st August funding starts Autumn Term (September) Visit to apply and get your eligibility code. If you need help call HMRC helpline 0300 123 4097.
- Have Your Say
We value your feedback. Help us to shape our services and provide the right provision for families. Please complete our annual survey and share your experiences of using our services by clicking on this link Thank you in advance for your time.
- Half term Timetable
Between Monday 18 February – Friday 22 February the following timetable will be in place, it replaces those seen on the Activities and Services pages.
- Trustee and Senior Leadership Team – Leadership and Governance Away Day.
Led by Fiona Ash from CASS Business School, Centre for Charity Effectiveness. On Saturday 2nd February, the Lloyd Park Children’s Charity ran an ‘away day’ on Leadership and Governance for board members, trustees and senior leadership team. It was set up to help us understand our roles better and help us work together to govern and lead the charity successfully. And you know what? It was great! We all came out of it feeling totally fired up and inspired to take the charity forward together. I’ve been a Trustee of the Lloyd Park Children’s Charity for over a year now. Whilst I’ve enjoyed it and found it very interesting, if I’m honest I’ve often been uncharacteristically quiet at meetings because I’ve been unsure exactly what being a trustee means and how I can enhance outcomes for families and children who use our services. So this training was particularly useful for me. The day started with a ‘getting to know you’ exercise where we shared our simple pleasures. It was a great way to get to know each other. And it quickly revealed what we all have in common – finding pleasure in finally finding 5 minutes of peace to ourselves! Suitably warmed up, we got to business. The first activity of the day was to look back over the last year and to start to look forward to 2019 and beyond. In groups, we were asked to identify things that have happened over the past year that we are proud of, things that we have been surprised by and things that we are looking forward to working on in the next year. The results were fantastic and really got the room buzzing. It is obvious that we have so much to be proud of and so much to look forward to. Our instruc Next, we were given a brief presentation about the role of the trustee and an introduction to charity governance. Specifically the presentation focused on the six main duties of trustees and the Charity Governance Code written in 2017. After a tea break, it was over to us again. This time we were asked to think about the boundaries between senior staff and board members/ trustees. We looked at a model structure, and discussed how tasks would be shared in an ideal world. We talked about how this compares to the way things work at LPCC and whether we need to change that balance at all. This exercise really helped us to clarify how we can best work together and challenge each other in order to take forward the core principles of the charity. Finally, we moved on to thinking about new trustees and how we can improve their induction when they join the board. We all agreed that this is an area that would benefit from improvements and between us we came up with a very long list of activities that should take place before people join the board, upon joining, six months after joining and 1 year after joining. Amongst all of the other ideas, we all agreed that an away day like this should be part of the induction of all new trustees and members of the board. When the final exercise was finished, the morning was topped off by an excellent lunch provided by the Community Cafe from Higham Hill Park and another chance to get to know each other a little better. All of the thoughts, ideas and suggestions that came up during the day are going to be written up and will inform the governance and leadership of LPCC going forward. But even more importantly, after getting together like this we all feel a little bit closer to each other, even more inspired to take the charity forward and even more certain of what we can achieve together. Not a bad outcome for a cold Saturday morning in February!” Sarah Parson (Trustee)
- Focus on Autism
My name is Francesca Biscotti and I am an activity co-ordinator at The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity. I love working with children who have special needs, ensuring they are understood and we are meeting their needs. Supporting families on their journey and seeing children flourish is really rewarding. I am currently studying for a degree in Early Years Foundation while specialising in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The term ASD is used to highlight a delay in three areas of development: social communication, communication and language and physical development. Recently, many professionals have been focusing their attention not only on the so called ‘triad of impairments’, but also on the sensory processing abilities. Research shows that the majority of children with ASD also have sensory processing disorders (SPD), especially with hearing, touch and vision. When diagnosing a child with Autism, professionals are also focusing on restricted and repetitive patterns and behaviour, interests or activities. To diagnose a child, you can ask your GP to refer your child to the Social and Communication Clinic (SACC) at Wood Street Health Centre or you can ask your Speech and Language Therapist. Waiting for a diagnosis might take between 10 and 12 months. While your child is waiting to be diagnosed, you might benefit from attending groups at Wood Street Health Centre or in the local community. Somewhere to Belong is a group run by our charity in partnership with Whitefield School. It’s an early intervention offer tailored around the child and their family needs. Within Somewhere to Belong we provide support from different specialists such as speech and language therapists, assessments by a Whitefield School practitioner, support from SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service) alongside the support of the practitioners within the sessions. Autism is a lifelong condition. The spectrum is vast and each child displays different behaviours and/or delays. It is worth remembering that people on the spectrum interpret the world in a different way, but this doesn’t mean that they cannot learn how to cooperate with our way of perceiving it. Children with autism are really clever; Einstein said: “Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid”. Somewhere to Belong is an invitation only group. For more information, please contact speak to a member of our staff 020 7527 1737 or
- Focus on SEND
Hello my name is Amit and I am an Activity Co-ordinator at Leytonstone Children and Family Centre. Being a male practitioner with a disability can be challenging at times, but most of all very rewarding. SEND is terminology used to identify children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) within the UK & Ireland. It can affect a child or young person’s ability to learn. It can affect their: · Behaviour or ability to socialise, for example they struggle to make friends · Reading and writing, for example because they have dyslexia · Ability to understand things · Concentration levels, for example because they have ADHD · Physical ability At The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity, we offer a wealth of support for children and their families. Each of neighbourhood has amazing sessions and groups on offer. Somewhere to Belong is an invite only group with specialist staff who support families that attend the six-week program. There are many ways that you can be referred into the group: · Speaking with your Health Visitor · Visiting a Speech and Language Therapist · Attending any Children and Family Centre sessions · Having a chat with an Early Help Practitioner If you have any concerns about your child’s development, act now and give them the best start in life!
- Amazon Smile – help us raise money
You can help raise money for The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity this Christmas and forever! Amazon Smile the sister site to Amazon will donate 0.5% of your net purchase price to us. Use this link please share this with your friends and family.
- I Wish I’d Known…
Join our campaign to support parents. Share your experiences of what you’d wish you’d known about parenthood. Having a baby is hard work; as cute and cuddly, beautiful and loving it is to have a baby it’s also scary, exhausting and tough. New mums in our support group Flourish often wish someone had sat them down before they had their baby to tell them about the ins and outs of being a mum, to explain that there will be the highest of high’s and lowest of low’s. To help mums and dads far and wide, we are asking parents or carers like you to share your experiences of what you’d wish you known to help others. You’ll discover you’re not alone in the way you feel! Share your, I Wish I’d Known… with us on Twitter @LloydParkCC using the hashtag #IWishIdKnown or on Facebook @LloydParkCC.
- Annual General Meeting: James Wragg, Chair of Trustee Board
Dear Parents, Carers, Service Users and Colleagues, We would like to invite you to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 10 October (7.30pm, refreshments available from 7.00pm). The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity is a registered charity; our members are you – parents and carers of children who use our services, and the community around those families. You are The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity. The AGM is a chance to elect our Trustee Board for the next year and also a chance to find out more about what we do and get involved if you want to. Over thirty years’ ago, a group of local parents founded an action group to improve facilities and provide play and childcare for local children. Fast forward thirty years and now we are a large and successful charity. We run day nurseries for children 0-5 at Lloyd Park and Higham Hill, and we also run term time breakfast and tea-time clubs and holiday clubs for local school children. We run the Children and Family Centre contract for the whole of Waltham Forest with a team of specialist staff working with and supporting local families. In addition to this, we run a diverse range of activities which respond to and reflect the needs of local people. Do you want to join our Trustee Board? We would welcome a range of skills and backgrounds – in particular finance, fundraising and bid-writing and we also want to ensure that our Board reflects the diversity of our community. Whatever you feel you have to offer, it would be most appreciated and beneficial to our work. Please complete our nomination form and return it to by Monday 8th October 2018. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you at the AGM. Best wishes James Wragg, Chair of Trustee Board
- National Eye Health Week – vision really does matter
This week is National Health Week. Did you know that children up to the age of 16 years old (and those under 19 years old in full time education) are entitled to a free eye test? Go along to a high street opticians offering eye tests for children. It is recommended that children have regular eye test at least every 2 years. It is equally important for adults to have their eyes regularly checked, and some high street opticians also offer free eye tests, so keep an eye out! Regular check-ups are important as they can help detect issues relating to other health problems. While children should have regular eye tests as they grow up, it’s still important to look out for the signs of any problems and seek professional advice. The NHS state that are some signs that could indicate that there is a possible eye problem: Eyes not pointing in the same direction Complaining of headaches or eye strain Problems reading – for example, they may need to hold books close to their face and they may lose their place regularly Problems with hand-eye co-ordination – for example, they may struggle to play ball games Being unusually clumsy Regularly rubbing their eyes Please go to the NHS website for more information If you have concerns relating to you or your families’ eye health, please speak to your GP, health visitor or optician.
- New After School Club at Higham Hill Centre
Does your child go to Whittingham Primary School? We are now offering an after school club at Higham Hill Centre on Billet Road. Contact us if you are interested!