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  • Guidelines for Families and Practitioner using Live Virtual Sessions on Zoom

    Our guidelines will help us safeguard and ensure that everyone participating in our live groups are safe and protected. We have constructed the following guidelines that we would like everyone to follow please: Zoom Guidelines Zoom virtual doors will locked at 5 minutes after the session starts. Please keep your camera’s on for the duration of the session. Please keep your microphones muted unless directed by the facilitator to turn on. By doing this it limits background noise which is distractions for others. If you have any questions or suggestions please write a comment in the chat function. No recordings or screen shots of the session is permitted. You have the option of changing your screen background before entering room- Using the arrow next to the video sign logo. Reminder too parents that it is ok if your child does not want to join in, but please do give feedback and try again to find something your child is interested in. We ask that you be respectful to each other during the live conversations. If you have any concerns during our live Zoom Groups please email please help us to safeguard our community

  • Introducing Activities to do at Home and Virtual Sessions

    Staff and volunteers at The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity have quickly adapted to working from home, with a ‘can do attitude’ and an abundance of creativity. The team are creating activities for families to do at home with their children, whilst nursery and Children & Family Centre sessions are closed. Our public Facebook page @LloydParkCC and closed parent groups have regular videos and activity ideas including children’s favourite songs, stories and messy activities. Please like our page and comment on our posts to help us develop useful resources for families. We are starting to introduce virtual ‘Group Sessions’ to allow children and families to interact with each other and join in with some of our popular group sessions. Follow us on Facebook for more information. We are so proud of The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity Team. #FamilySupport #Health #Under1s

  • Baby Bank During the COVID-19 Lockdown

    Baby Bank has made some temporary changes to our service. We are now providing emergency support to families in crisis and those who are self-isolating. We are talking with families over the telephone to offer support to them and providing emergency parcels adhering to social distancing measures. Our Baby Bank Play session is currently closed. Daily play activities and inspiration can be found on our Facebook page @LloydParkCC. If you do not have access to the internet activity packs are available. Baby Bank always need donations of the following items: Nappies from 0 to 6 and pull ups sizes 5 and 6 Wipes Moses baskets and cots (new mattresses) On the Lloyd Park Children Charity Baby Bank webpage we maintain an up to date list of items we need through donations. If you need support or would like to donate, please email Due to limited storage space we cannot accept all donations. Thank you all for your continued support.

  • Supporting Children to Learn through Play

    Young children learn best through play, especially when you help them to follow their interests. Whether it’s creating a den under a blanket, making handprints in whatever you have to hand (even using the steam in the bath) or pretending to be a rabbit and jumping around the room, all experiences to children are learning experiences. You can extend activities by talking about colours letters, or counting. A child seeing their parent enjoying the activity with them will make it a special memory, so don’t forget to have fun. Follow our facebook page @LloydParkCC and visit for daily activity ideas and inspiration. #LearningandDevelopment #Outdoorplay #Play #Riskyplay

  • Understanding Behaviour

    Do you ever wonder what your child might be trying to communicate through their behaviour? Behaviour can be described as a ‘response or action that can be seen, heard or felt’. It has two main functions: to obtain something or to avoid something. It can also be a way for a child to communicate feelings and needs to those around them. Tiredness, hunger or a new addition to the family, such as a sibling may often influence a child’s behaviour. As your child develops this can also help them to manage their behaviour, as skills such as communication, problem-solving and social interaction strengthen with age. As younger children learn how things move and work, they may throw or bang objects, whilst they may also test the responses of people around them with high-pitched screaming and shouting. In order to help your child to solve problems, develop relationships and make appropriate choices, you should encourage them to deal with minor problems or incidents independently. Give them lots of praise and encouragement when they manage things well. Every child is different and will deal with situations in a variety of ways, which can be reflected by their behaviour. If you would like to speak to someone about your child’s behaviour, e-mail and a member of the Children and Family Centre team will be in touch.

  • Internet Safety

    As we are spending more time at home, children may be spending more time on internet devises, mobile phones, computers and consoles. The internet can be a wonderful resource for children, but it does also pose some threats that we should be aware of. First step might be to check that your safety settings are turned on! Here’s some information and resources to help you keep your children safe online: Child Net It can be challenging to keep up to speed with what children are doing online. Whether you are puzzled by parental controls or would like to know more about gaming, this site can help. Internet Matters want to help families make the best use of technology whilst keeping children safe. Parent Info provides support and advice to parents, with contributions from the leading experts and organisations in matters relating to young people and families in a digital world. NSPCC Keeping children safe online.

  • Domestic Violence Support

    The COVID-19 crisis will be a challenging time for families. For some, it may have a serious impact. There are many support services available with advisors who can provide support and advice over the phone or online (more information on page 1). We’re encouraging all survivors to carry a mobile phone at all times, if possible. If you are in immediate danger do not be afraid to call 999. If you need help you can: Talk to a trained domestic abuse specialist by calling the free 24/7 domestic abuse helpline on 0808 2000 247 Visit the Nation Domestic Abuse Helpline for online support. Come to Leyton Children and Family Centre  between 10am and 4pm every weekday, to speak to a specialist worker who can offer support. Remember, always call the police on 999 in an emergency.

  • Children and Family Centre Services During the COVID-19 Lockdown

    The Children and Family Centre Partners (Lloyd Park Children’s Charity, NELFT, HENRY, Citizen Advice and Local Authority) are offering a range of remote services. We are all committed to helping families get the best start and offering support for young children. We will review the situation regularly and update you of any changes via our Facebook pages. The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity Follow us on facebook @LloydParkCC for activities to do at home and virtual group sessions. If your child attends one of our childcare settings, we have closed parent/ carer Facebook groups. Family Support – e-mail Baby Bank – Send referrals or enquiries to Somewhere to Belong and Flourish continue as virtual groups HENRY Best Start Service – Call 020 8496 5223 or contact HENRY via email NELFT – Contact Clinical Duty team within our single point of access team Monday to Friday 9-5pm either by phone 0300 300 1970 or email Early Help Support – Referrals including self referrals to the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 020 8496 2310 (Mon-Thurs 9am-5.15pm, Fri 9am-5pm), (out of hours 020 8496 3000) or email Citizen Advice – Call 020 8509 6444 and leave a voicemail.

  • Top Tips: Home Working during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis

    For many families juggling work, family life and home schooling can be challenging. But lockdown is also proving to be a positive experience for many children who are enjoying special time with their families and learning many important life lessons. Here’s our top tips: This may be an anxious time for children and they may find the change of routine challenging. Give them lots of reassurance, comfort and love. Try to build in special time with your child/ children throughout the day and create happy memories of time spent together. Work flexibly around the needs of your children, this might include evenings and weekends, or swapping with other adults in your house if you can. Fight the urge to stay in your PJ’s. Getting washed and dressed will help you prepare for the day ahead. Take the opportunity to exercise once a day within government guidelines and get out for fresh air and sunlight. Set small realistic goals and celebrate your progress. Look after your mental health at home by taking time to appreciate the small things in life and look for the positives. Remember… this is an unprecedented time. Don’t put yourself under too much pressure and try to have fun every day!

  • Lifelong Learning

    The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity team are using lockdown as an opportunity to update our essential training. Many have found this to be an effective and valuable use of their time at home and have enjoyed the sense of achievement. Learning activities include reading books and articles, watching documentaries or videos and on-line training. There are many free online resources, some of our favourites are: Open Learn offers a wide range of courses including history, languages, business and leadership. Acas offers free eLearning modules for employees and employers Ted Talks offers presentations on most subjects. Time spent updating training and qualifications will help us to continue to provide quality services into the future. Why don’t you give it a go! #LearningandDevelopment #Outdoorplay #Play #Riskyplay

  • Update from The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity Chief Executive Officer

    Challenging times… yes. But also one of the most inspirational and humbling experiences for our charity! It’s our people that have been judged outstanding, who make this charity so special, and this has been apparent now more than ever. Community spirit has flourished. Our team of staff and volunteers are exceeding expectations, adapting to new ways of working and finding creative ways to offer meaningful services and support to our families. Our families and wider community have been astounding, offering lots of encouraging messages of support, donations and practical help. This has been hugely motivating and inspiring. I would particularly like to thank Carol Frederick (LBWF Early Help) for always working hard for local families, and Stella Creasy MP for helping out in times of need. Our team are using new technologies to interact with families. Our Facebook page @LloydParkCC has daily activities to support families at home, and we are really excited to be offering live virtual sessions for small groups of children and families. This includes support groups Somewhere to Belong and Flourish, and we are starting to pilot keyworker groups for children who attend childcare and other virtual play sessions. Follow us on Facebook for updates. I wish you all safe and well and look forward to seeing you soon. Wendy Fields. Chief Executive Officer

  • Changes to services offered by Children and Family Centre partners

    Dear Families, We are writing to advise you that Children and Family Centre partners, including The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity, NELFT, HENRY and Citizens Advice, in partnership with the local authority have made the decision, in light of COVID-19, to move our services from face-to-face contact to a remote service. Children with identified vulnerabilities who require face-to-face support will be contacted to establish their current risk of infection prior to any home contact as per current Government guidelines. This week the national advice has significantly changed and we want to play our part in reducing “non-essential” travel and contact with others.  All of our staff continue to be committed to helping families get the best start in life and support for their young children, so our services will be continuing in a different way via telephone, video conferencing and on-line communication. Please see current Government advice regarding Coronavirus here: For the different services and where to go for further updates: Message us on Facebook or email for any enquiries including family support. For Baby Bank enquiries and referrals please email by Tuesday for Friday emergency parcels. HENRY Best Start Service – Infant Feeding helpline will continue to be staffed Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, please call 0208 496 5222. They will provide one-to-one contact for families with infant feeding practitioners, healthy family and oral health practitioners and speech and language therapists.  Please call 0208 496 5223 or email NELFT Child Health Clinics have closed as of 17th March 2020. You can speak to a health visitor or school nurse to discuss health, wellbeing and child development issues by contacting our Clinical Duty team within our Single Point of Access team, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm either by phone 0300 300 1970 or email Early Help support will continue. Any referrals including self-referrals need to be made via the MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub).  Please call 020 8496 2310, Monday-Thursday, 9am-5.15pm, Friday, 9am-5pm and out of hours 020 8496 3000.  Email Fax: 020 8496 2313. Citizens Advice will continue providing the full range of Citizens Advice services for clients over the phone. Please call on 0208 509 6444 and leave a voicemail and an adviser will call you back the same day. We will of course be reviewing the situation on a weekly basis and will update you of any changes to these arrangements. We hope you and your families all keep well during this challenging time. Thank you.

  • COVID-19 UPDATE 16th MARCH 18.00

    Dear Families, The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity is committed to safeguarding the health and safety of children, families, staff and volunteers, so we’re sharing information about some preventative and temporary steps we are taking in light of the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We have made the decision to scale back our Children and Family Centre play sessions, those listed in the Roleplay timetable. The number of people coming to these services has dropped rapidly and many families have expressed concern about meeting groups of people in community services. Today, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said everyone in the UK should now avoid “non-essential” travel and contact with others. Our measures are aimed at minimising the potential risk of infection. We will introduce new services via telephone, video conferencing and will provide information and advice on-line. Some of our services will continue, but may be offered in a different way, this will include Family Support, Somewhere to Belong, Flourish and Baby Bank. We will review our timetable regularly and will keep you up to date via our Facebook page @LloydParkCC and our website

  • You and Your New Baby – cancelled today

    We are sorry to inform you that You and Your New Baby, this afternoon, 1.30pm-3pm at The Lloyd Park Centre is temporarily closed until further notice. This is to minimise the risk of infection of COVID-19 in our setting by restricting visitor numbers. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please do keep checking this page and our website for further updates on our services. Thank you.

  • Temporary closure – Child Health Clinic at The Lloyd Park Centre

    We are sorry to inform you that we are temporarily closing the Child Health Clinic at The Lloyd Park Centre in light of the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The Lloyd Park Centre is one of our childcare settings and we are restricting access to our children’s play space to children and employees working directly with the children only. The Child Health clinic at Walthamstow Children and Family Centre hub will be open on Tuesday, 1.30pm-3.30pm and 4.30pm-6.30pm and Saturday, 10.30am-12.30pm. Please do check on our website and our Facebook page for further updates about our services. Thank you.

  • Visiting The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity and Coronavirus

    Dear Parents and Carers, The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity is committed to safeguarding the health and safety of children, families, staff and volunteers in light of the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Please have consideration for our staff, volunteers and other families, as we would like to keep our services operating for as long as possible so; –       If you have been advised to self-isolate for any reason including if you have visited a COVID-19 specified country, please do not come to any of our settings or sessions. –       If you or your child has been advised to self-isolate, or you think they may be at risk, or showing any signs or symptoms such as a continuous cough or high temperature, please do not attend any of our settings or sessions. Our senior leadership team are meeting regularly to review our plans. We are receiving daily updates and advice from Public Health, the Department of Education, our Local Authority and HR advisors. There’s currently no cause for concern across our services, but we’ll keep you informed about any developments and ensure we’re keeping our settings clean to prevent the spread of any infection. There is a chance that things may change at short notice but we will keep you updated via our website, Facebook page @lloydparkCC and we will email families who use our childcare services at The Lloyd Park Centre, The Higham Hill Centre and The Valley Centre. For more information on coronavirus please visit: Thank you, The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity

  • Seddon Centre – closed this week

    We just wanted to let you know that The Seddon Centre in Leyton will not be open this week due to no access to the building. This means the following sessions will not be happening: • Tuesday – You and Your New Baby – 1pm-2.30pm • Wednesday – Music and Movement – 1.30pm-2.30pm • Thursday – Somewhere to Belong – 10am-11.30am • Friday – Child Health Clinic – 9.30am-11.30am Please check here for updates on the Seddon Centre at the end of the week. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

  • Play All Day, Leyton cancelled this morning – 24th February 2020

    We are sorry to announce that we are unable to get access to the Seddon Centre this morning. This means that the Play All Day session on this morning in Leyton is cancelled. Please watch this space though as we might be able to run it later on today if we are able to get access. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

  • Leytonstone Library closures in March

    Please note that sessions at Leytonstone Library will not be happening on the following dates, this is due to essential maintenance works.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused. – Monday 9th and 16th March – Stories and Rhymes 1.15pm-3pm – Wednesday 11th and 18th  March – Music and Movement 1.15pm-3pm.

  • Change to dates and times for Work Club

    Please note there are changes to the dates and times for Work Club sessions for this term: October 01.10.2019 Tuesday: Chingford – 10am -11:30am Tuesday: Leytonstone – 1pm – 2:30pm 03.10.2019 Thursday Walthamstow – 10am – 11:30pm Thursday Leyton -1pm-   2:30pm November 12.11.2019 Tuesday – Chingford -10am – 11:30am Tuesday: Leytonstone -1pm-   2:30pm 14.11.2019 Thursday Walthamstow – 10am- 11:30am Thursday Leyton – 1pm-   2:30pm December 03.12.2019 Tuesday: Chingford -10am- 11:30am Tuesday: Leytonstone – 1pm-   2:30pm 05.12.2019 Thursday Walthamstow – 10am- 11:30am Thursday Leyton – 1pm-   2:30pm

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