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Events (8)

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Blog Posts (65)

  • Staying cool in the Summer heat

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  • Our Plan

    Our Trustee’s have approved an ambitious 10-year plan. This is a plan for our community, with children at the heart. Children, families, partners, employee’s and trustees told us what’s important: Children are resilient Equality for all Voices are heard We strive to do our best Join us and help build brighter futures for children and families. You can get involved by working or volunteering, giving feedback, helping to evaluate and design services, joining our Trustee Board, sub groups or Co Co East (our co-production collaborative). Get in touch

  • Road Safety Week-15th November- 21 November 2021

    Brake the road safety charity state everyday 6 children are injured on UK roads. It is our job to support children’s understanding about the world they live. Brake’s top tips for keeping children safe near roads Children under 8 should always hold a grown up’s hand when walking near roads Children under 8 should always cross roads with a grown up, at a safe crossing place Until they are 150cm tall, all children should sit in a correctly sized and fitted child seat when travelling by car Children under 10 should not cycle on roads, they should keep to cycle paths away from motorised traffic Children should always wear a helmet when cycling to protect their head if they fall off Brakes have more useful information on keeping your child safe, whether your cycling or pushing a buggy

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Other Pages (82)

  • CoCo East Archive | LPCC

    Archive Meetings notes, documents and media 2025 February Parents Ideas Workshop 2024 November Parents Ideas Workshop

  • Please donate | LPCC

    Help us fight poverty! More families experience extreme pressure brought on by poverty every day! We fight to overcome this using your donations to create the support services families tell us they want, delivered when they need them most! Donate now! Your donation supports children needing help Baby Bank is just one great example of our lifeline services that your donations make sustainable. Some of Baby Bank's day-to-day costs include: Cost-of-Living Support Clothing Push-chairs Moses baskets Nappies and w ipes Books Safer Sleeping Environments Cots Cot matresses Bedding Running Costs Rent Cleaning and m aintenance Salaries Resources and e quipment Refreshments for families Home from Hospital Bundles All the essentials needed for parents to bring newborn babies home from hopsital safely Gift Aid Gift Aid allows us to claim an additional 25% of the value of your donation from the HMRC. It won't cost you a penny but means your donation can go even further! Find out more here Please note: Unless otherwise stated your donations contribute to our unrestricted funds which we use to make all of our charitable activities more sustainable. Where we specify that your donations will support a particular campaign or cause they would become restricted funding that can only be used for that purpose.

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