Over the past year high numbers of people suffered from anxiety, depression, money worries and parents and carers had concern about their children’s development. Life is returning to normal in so many ways, but the trauma of the pandemic has left its mark in many family homes.
Listening to parents concerns, we developed the Wellbeing Project, and with funding from The Community Fund we introduced a range of new services:
Family support
Play sessions (virtual and face to face)
Activities and resources to use at home
Additional support to ensure everyone could access virtual services
Group counselling for parents and carers
Specialist information and advice to support children’s speech and language development
Thanks to further funding from the London Borough of Waltham Forest The Well Being Project will continue for another year, offering vital support to families affected by the pandemic.
Parents Perspective
“The support available through the project and the variety of support has been invaluable… I feel more connected to others through the group therapy sessions and I’m more confident around structuring activities. Through the help of the project I am feeling more positive and empowered than I have in a long time”.
Accessing Support
If you think you would benefit from this project get in touch by emailing familysupport@tlpcc.org.uk. You do not have to cope alone. We are a friendly and supportive team and always happy to discuss your needs and the support we can offer.