Whilst we are Covid Secure, visitors are not permitted to come into our settings, this includes during settling periods.
During this time make use of opportunities to build relationships with your setting, and help them to get to know your child. This will help them to prepare activities f
or your child and plan for their individual needs.
It may be an anxious time, try to remain clam and positive as your anxiety may impact on your child.
These are our top tips for families joining The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity childcare settings.
Join our virtual sessions. This will enable you to build a relationship with your key worker or family group.
Come along to our 15 minute outdoor visit.
We may use transitional objects to support your child when they say good bye to you at your designated entrance.
Use the Learning Book to share information about your child’s interests at home and help our team get to know your child and plan for their individual needs.
Please feel free to call or email the team if you have any concerns or would like an update.
Join our closed Facebook group for the setting, where we share what we have been up to at nursery.
Talk to your child about their day to support their wellbeing during the transition period.
Watch our video where Helen from the Higham Hill Centre shares her top tips for settling.