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I was referred to Flourish

“I was referred to Flourish by my health visitor as I had suffered acute anxiety after the birth of my first child and felt it beneficial to have support in place following the birth of my second. I was nervous about attending but after a phone call with Ruhksana who leads the group she explained how Flourish works and what qualities I could bring from my experience.

Flourish is a warm, safe nurturing space to share without judgement or to sit and reflect and to listen. You are always welcomed with a hot drink and a biscuit. Somewhere to share your week – difficulties and triumphs. A play space to explore with your baby, ideas for activities to do at home. Information on weaning, weigh in clinics and the philosophy of treasure baskets – aiding your baby’s development.

I made friends and learnt new perspectives from women from all different backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities but with a common thread of responsibility and how that can affect your mental health under the pressures of becoming a parent. I benefitted from others sharing their stories, the podcasts they listened to and what got them through the early weeks of caring for a newborn.

I would definitely recommend Flourish to any new mothers struggling with how they are feeling post birth and wondering if you are the only one. The group is referral only but the first step is to tell your midwife, health visitor or GP if you are worried. You are not alone!”



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