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COVID-19 UPDATE 16th MARCH 18.00

Dear Families,

The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity is committed to safeguarding the health and safety of children, families, staff and volunteers, so we’re sharing information about some preventative and temporary steps we are taking in light of the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

We have made the decision to scale back our Children and Family Centre play sessions, those listed in the Roleplay timetable. The number of people coming to these services has dropped rapidly and many families have expressed concern about meeting groups of people in community services. Today, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said everyone in the UK should now avoid “non-essential” travel and contact with others. Our measures are aimed at minimising the potential risk of infection.

We will introduce new services via telephone, video conferencing and will provide information and advice on-line. Some of our services will continue, but may be offered in a different way, this will include Family Support, Somewhere to Belong, Flourish and Baby Bank.

We will review our timetable regularly and will keep you up to date via our Facebook page @LloydParkCC and our website

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