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AGM and Trustee Recruitment

The Lloyd Park Children’s Charity will be holding it’s Annul General Meeting on Tuesday 3rd November 7.30pm.

You can access our meeting on Zoom here

Our families and those who use our services are our members, and are invited to join our meeting to learn more about our charity and its progress over the last financial year.

Our AGM will be a virtual meeting, if you would like to attend please e-mail and further details will be provided.

Would you like to support the governance of our charity?

At our AGM we will elect members to our 2020-2021 Board.

Our Charity is governed by a Trustee Board made up of up to 15 members, and our rules say that at least 60% must be parent or carers and users of our services. We try to elect a diverse Board with different skills and experiences.

You can join as a Trustee with voting rights, or support one of our sub groups or tasks and finish groups and work on one of the priorities set by the Board. This year our sub groups will include:

  1. Governance and Policy

  2. Grants, Projects and Campaigns

  3. Finance Sub Group

Task and finish groups are called together to work on short projects as and when the Trustee Board identify priority areas of work.

If you would like more information please e-mail for more information. If you would like to join our board please complete a nomination form here by Friday 30th October 2020.

We would like to thank our current Trustee Board for their time and energy over what has been an unprecedented year.

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